2025-02-12 • No comments • • Central
The unification of Ukrainians into a musical U-Band. The goal of our community is to organise and conduct performances for Ukrainians and all residents of Aberdeen. We want to introduce the local population to Ukrainian clulture through song. We want to share our culture and bring people together.

Granite City TKD Exercise
2025-02-12 • 1 comment • • Central
Our project is to provide a variety of excersise classes for recovering addicts to encourage them to get out and about, socilaise and excersise to help them stay focusedon their positive road and destination of recovery. Our building has a larghe hall that we can provide the space for excersise sessions. We have equupment already within our ventre that can be used, but ther might be some small additional equipment required to purchase depending on the sport/activity being facilitated. We have a cafe/canteen area for people to meet for a social after their session so they can have refreshements and enjoy the company of each other to continue to support one another on their recovery journey. We curently have a group using our centre to support the recovering addicts (Narcotics Anonymous). They use the small hall for their group as a community space to provide this service. The lead of this group will be supporting this project to invite members of Narcotics Anonymous along to these sessions,he iwll also be able to advertise this within the Narcotics Anonymous website so the wider community members can come along and be included also.

Generation Games
2025-02-11 • No comments • • North
Middlefield Hub will facilitate monthly Games and Activity sessions with our Nurseries, Youth Hub, and Older Adults in the area.
The purpose of these sessions will be help combat isolation and loneliness, keep older people active engaged in lifelong learning opportunities such as arts n crafts, board games, dancing, and more.
Young people that attend the Youth Hub will support adults with taking part, serving food/drinks, and helping them work their mobile phones and tablets. Nursery children will take part in activity and sing songs, make gifts and birthday cards during the week, and create more opportunities for different age groups to mix and be around each other.
Studies show mixing generations and ages is beneficial for everyone. These experiences, which will also have food and drinks at each session to help combat poverty and the cost of living crisis, will help nursery children in their development and learning, older youths will gain valuable experiences to help them reach their full potential, as well as increase learning about other people and empathy, and will help older people feel connected with the community. We can also use these sessions to signpost participants and families to other services at The Hub and in the community should they need further help or support. We will also invite different agencies to come in and speak to groups about other services, such as AHSCP Wellbeing Team, Sport Aberdeen, AFCCT, Mental Health Aberdeen, SamH, and more.

Torry Clean & Green Initiative
2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
The "Torry Clean & Green Initiative" is a transformative project aimed at revitalizing our beloved Torry Community through enhanced personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. With a focus on discouraging open-surface defecation and dog fouling, we will promote responsible dog ownership and foster clean, safe public spaces—parks, bus shelters, and open fields. Our partnership with Jesus House Torry will amplify our efforts, as we engage the community in meaningful activities that encourage gardening, green spaces, and aesthetic beautification.Through a series of engaging hygiene and sanitation roadshows at local schools, we will educate and inspire the younger generation, instilling lifelong habits of cleanliness and respect for our environment. By procuring essential resources such as litter and dog foul bins, cleaning tools, and publicizing our initiatives, we aim to create a cleaner, greener, and healthier Torry. Together, we can breathe fresher air, promote community well-being, and cultivate a vibrant neighborhood for all. Join us in making Torry a shining example of community pride and environmental stewardship!

The Flourish Project
2025-02-11 • No comments • • North
One in six children aged 5-16 have a probable mental health disorder and since Covid, mental health issues in young people have increased by 58%. In 2025, children face many challenges such as bullying and complicated home lives which can result in depression, low self-esteem and difficulty making friends. They can be angry with the world and subsequently can be withdrawn or disruptive at school and home, because they struggle to cope with their emotions.
Our Flourish Project helps to improve mental and emotional well-being, self-esteem and resilience by supporting children to see their own potential, giving them ‘permission’ to dream and helping them to develop future aspirations with achievable goals.
Our project is not a ‘Quick Fix’. It supports them to face and cope with their everyday life challenges and long-term objectives. Over 8 weeks (8 x 1 hour sessions) our volunteer trainers help young people to see themselves in a more positive way by looking at:- how personal life beliefs are formed; the power of thought and how it effects behaviour; effects of social media; positive self-esteem and healthy self-talk and celebrating personal growth and development.
Since starting 3 years ago, we have worked with 580 children with very positive, long-term results. With your help, we aim to work with 400 more in North Aberdeen in 2025, aged between 10 and 14. Our Flourish Project really makes positive life changes in young lives and we want to make that difference to every young life that needs it.

2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
JOG TORRY - keep on running! There is a proven link between fitness and both physical and mental health - which is why SAMH works in tandem with Jog Scotland to promote the couch to 5km programme in local communities. Our aim is to kickstart jogging in Torry with 2 blocks of coach-led sessions. The model is that from the 20 plus local participants, two will then go on to complete the Jog Scotland training so that they can then run the Torry group as volunteers. This will mean that Jog Torry will be self-sustaining. By having a community fitness celebration day this will encourage the wider community to get fit. It is envisaged that the fitness day will take place at St Fitticks Park and include a 5km round the park for the first couch to 5km course completers. The fitness day will also provide refreshments for the community and will host info stalls on various themes including community walking groups (paths for all), chair based aerobics, Sport Aberdeen’s offers and other fitness opportunities in the area. Local parents at Greyhope have already expressed an interest. Jog Scotland/SAMH are supporting this bid and will provide a letter of support. The Torry Health Matters group has identified this as one of its 4 core aims (adult fitness/mental health/diabetes prevention) and hence it is supportive of this bid. Sport Aberdeen is supporting the bid too.

The Bridge Centre – changing lives
2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
Last year more than 5,000 people accessed services provided at the recently refurbishment Bridge Centre, a once derelict community building in Torry, which now welcomes the community to our popular Café and a growing number of community groups and support services including employment/health initiatives. This year, through the Café, we will be running healthy eating cookery classes, a holiday lunch club for parents and children, health awareness and well-being Open Days with other local health providers and a Seniors Lunch Club.
Alongside Shinnie Electrical Ltd. we are also running a short course, “Intro to Electrics”, for young unemployed adults, giving them a work taster and support to write CVs, interview preparation etc. Due to its success, we are looking to add other trades such as mechanics and plumbing courses. There are also volunteer opportunities in our café with training and qualifications such as Food Hygiene available, to support employability skills. The Bridge Centre is part of the community, providing the services the community wants in order to come together, reduce isolation and move forward.
This funding would help us to deliver these programs by covering some utilities. In addition, our Intro to Electrics course is growing and we are looking to move it into a larger space to be able to train more people, and we are also in conversations to start a second “Intro to…” trade training which would need some finance to cover the start-up costs and to put the first cohort through the training.

Fern Fox and St Fittick's Friends
2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
This project involves the creation of a children’s book about St Fittick’s Park to be distributed to schools, the library and children within Torry. The aim of the project is to engage local children in reading and connecting with nature and the outdoors,particularly in St Fittick’s Park. Writer and academic Orla Shortall (www.orlashortall.com) is currently working on a draft of the story called “Fern Fox and St Fitticks Friends”. The story follows the adventures of four animal friends: Fern the fox, Hannah the hedgehog, Dara the deer and Lucky the duck in St Fittick’s Park. We want to make the book engaging and appealing for children and we are applying for funding to work with a local artist to illustrate the book and local printers Peacock Visual Arts to produce copies for distribution. We will also workshop the story with local residents before its publication. The book includes dialogue in Doric, celebrating the North East’s unique linguistic heritage.There will be events organised around the book including a book launch in the St Fittick’s Park outdoor classroom with nature engagement activities for children and a writing workshop to encourage the children to write their own story about the park. The costs for this will be covered through existing funding for the outdoor classroom and volunteer time.

51st Aberdeen Brownies
2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
Our project is focused on providing an enriched programme of activities for the 51st Kincorth Brownies in Aberdeen. As a key part of the Girl guiding community, we aim to inspire and empower girls aged 7–10, helping them develop valuable life skills, confidence, and friendships. We plan to use the funding to continue offering our local community a low-cost activity for our young people and create engaging opportunities that enhance the Brownies’ experiences. This includes organising adventurous trips, hands-on workshops, and special events like outdoor camps. We also want to invest in new equipment and resources to support activities like STEM challenges, creative arts, and community projects. The funding would allow us to cover regular running costs such as venue hire and resources as well as offer experiences like camps, adventurous activities and day trips (skiing, tubing, theatre etc) that our members may otherwise not have access to as well as ensuring that every girl can take part regardless of financial background. By making these opportunities accessible, we aim to foster inclusion and inspire every Brownie to achieve their potential in a safe and supportive environment. Your vote will help us provide unforgettable experiences for the girls in Kincorth, giving them memories to cherish and the tools to grow into confident, empowered individuals. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives. Thank you!

Gardner Green Space
2025-02-12 • No comments • • South
Kincorth is called the garden estate. Although the area has many green spaces the community doesn’t use this to its advantage, many of the areas are under developed or over grown particularly the trees. This project is about creating a safe and welcoming green spaces for the residents in the Gardner community. We want to take community action to develop the areas to provide green spaces that are used by all residents to socialise and enjoy nature. We want children to be able to feel safe and play in a positive clean environment. Our ideas include planting and growing flowers and cultivating vegetables using raised beds, seating for residents and equipment to support wildlife and biodiversity. We want to motivate people to take a personal pride in their area, clean encouraging owners to clean after their dogs.