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Participatory budgeting

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Tillydrone Community Flat Foodbank

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central


For several years, the community flat has supported local residents with emergency food provision. Due to the steep rise in food and energy costs, job losses as a result of the pandemic and the downturn in oil and gas services and the introduction of Universal Credit, more and more vulnerable residents are seeking support to feed themselves and their families. We provide food to everyone who needs it – babies, children, single people, pensioners, refugees, asylum seekers and those who have No Recourse to Public Funds. We provide a food parcel (approx. two days of emergency food) once a fortnight and this is topped up through weekly deliveries from Fareshare and donations from Cairncry Community Centre who have links with the Co-op.  Demand has increased exponentially over the past few years and despite reducing our service from once a week to once every two weeks, we still struggle to meet demand. The foodbank service plays a vital role in maintaining health and equalities within the community and is a lifeline for many. 

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Try Wellbeing Activities 2025

2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

Family Learning and Sport Aberdeen, using Cummings Park Centre plan to deliver wellbeing physical activities and arts/crafts wellbeing sessions and offer wellbeing sessions aimed directly at those who currently experience mental health symptoms, or are felt from time to time, or from those in the process of recovery.

For this, EFT Natural Healing Therapy sessions would be purchased from a local community business which would not only provide the skills necessary to reduce stress, low mood and anxiety but help assist develop a local small business

The families targeted and expected to attended have many wellbeing needs and the activities provided are designed to combat many of these by ensuring all abilities can participate, sessions/activities are good fun, everything is easy for beginners, there is a role for everyone, provides the ability to improve confidence and improves social skills for families, adults and children alike.

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Project Strive

2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

The proposed project would enable the two hubs currently operating in Middlefield Community Project and Cummings Park Centre to choose a small scaled live professional dance/theatre production. In addition to this the groups will perform a short dance piece choreographed by dance tutors, based on their chosen production.

Acting as creative initiator's, each group will organise and curate an arts event that brings family and community audiences to their individual hubs. Offering the community a chance to share the joy of live performance.

Young people will choose the roles they want to explore and be mentored by the tutors. The project aims to encourage decision making and empowers the young people to contribute positively to their community, while actively advocating for arts engagement

The project promotes community bonds and connections by offering the community a space to come together and enjoy live productions on their doorstep. The project wishes to address the inequalities that young people living in challenging community’s tackle daily and are historically underrepresented in the arts.

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Together We Thrive

2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

Afristyle will be providing a one-day open day and 6 months free inclusive free

dance classes for young people and adults, packaged around active activities such

as dancing, yoga and offer workshops too such as behaviour management, easy

meal budget and more, also connecting for the promotion of individuals mental

health and wellness and to harness inner strength in Northfield. We don’t just

dance, we offer listening sessions, emotional support and signpost. We endeavour

to make everyone feel welcomed, belonging and invigorated.

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Loons & Quines o’Mastrick and Northield

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

We are looking for your support of ‘Loons & Quines o’Mastrick and Northield’ project and the of launch a social campaign with a key focus on history, revitalisation, heritage, multiculturalism, identity and integration of people who live in Mastrick and Northield, Aberdeen. We have been encouraged by the success of similar projects in Torry, Seaton and Old Aberdeen. This also an area where many Poles in Aberdeen live.

Our project is a multifaceted community campaign emphasising diversity as a major potential and strength of modern-day Mastrick and Northield areas. The neighbourhood reflects the dynamic character of local and European history intertwined through stories of the past and the present. On one hand, it is characterised by a strong sense of community amongst the traditional residents. On the other hand, identity of the neighbourhood is influenced by immigration nowadays and, in the case of Poles, population movement going back to the Second World War.

We look to promote the area by focusing on its residents and their personal, cultural and work-related experiences of the neighbourhood by: Community campaign and exhibition (still sourcing a suitable place TBC). Key visual materials will be installed.

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Cummings Park Gamers Unite

2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

This project aims to organise gaming nights that will bring gamers together from different backgrounds to enjoy various video games in a friendly environment. There will be a mix of competitive tournaments, casual play and opportunities for participants to connect and share their gaming experiences. Friendly competitions with prizes for winners to encourage participants to compete and showcase their skills

Outcomes/Impact – Strengthened relationships, positive lasting connections, new friendships and enriching community. Creating opportunities for those who identify as socially isolated or vulnerable to take part in activities. Increase volunteering opportunities in the area and the communication of them and to provide more activities/spaces for children and young people to participate in/be together

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Soup and sandwich Club

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central

We are applying for funding to expand our free soup and sandwich club from once per month to two times per month. The overall aim of the soup and sandwich club is to reduce social isolation, improve mental health, and to reduce food poverty which are key issues in our locality. The project will run on a Thursday between 11:00 – 13:00 whereby local people can come along to their community centre and enjoy a light lunch of free soup and sandwiches. This project will reduce the barriers tolocal people having access to a free nutritious meal whilst developing stronger ties to their local area. This project will also help towards the important goal of reducing the impact of the cost-of-living crisis by ensuring people do not go hungry.

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St Fitticks Biodiversity Hub

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  South

The Social Juice Biodiversity Hub is about supporting Torry folk , save wildlife in all its forms and reverse the decline in pollinators and birds especially. It also promotes local growing and the planting of community orchards and all the health benefits and training opportunities they bring. We have the capital to deliver the facilities needed at St Fitticks Edible Garden but this is a community owned and led project and your local voice needs heard. We want to have four gatherings, one focused on school kids, one for young people, two for the broader community to make sure what we build and deliver is what the community wants. These gatherings will use an “Open Space” approach so that all those that have a view or an idea can share and explore the issues that need addressed. You can find out more about Open Space by googling it. These gatherings also help recruit volunteers and collaborators, and give us a chance to involve our partner charities and community bodies like Mindstore, CFINE, the Foyer, SRUC Danestone and TDT.

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Play Later Lights

2025-02-11  •  No comments  •  KD  •  North

Young people have reported that they don’t feel safe skateboarding/ BMXing/football when it is dark in the park. Parents are also not keen on their children being at the park when it is dark.

The use of portable battery powered flood lights would alleviate the worries and would mean the skate park and other areas could be used by young people in the winter months. The lights, being portable could be used where and when the young people require them. They can use them themselves, unsupervised and have fun in the dark evenings, bringing young people together doing a positive activity.

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Fun in the Sun!

2025-02-12  •  No comments  •  Fgrant  •  Central


This year Tillydrone Community Campus SCIO would like to provide FREE fun activities for young people 8-12 years,  over four weeks in the Summer. Each week there will be different activities running at The Campus.  

THe SCIO wants to engage more with the community and what better way to engage with young people than in the school holidays! There will be lots to choose from so they can attend for a half day or for a full week!  

If successful, in the lead up to the school holiday we will engage through social media, local Schools and Campus users to shape a fun filled programme for primary fours to Primary sevens.  

The format of “Fun in the Sun” will be two weeks of skills based classes taught by local tutors. Examples: Drama, Singing, Art, Yoga. 

The other two weeks will be run by our Project Coordinator and sessional workers providing workshops like “a play in a day”, Table top games, Picnic in the park, Scavenger hunt, Crafts etc. This is just some of the ideas we have been giving.  

We really want to give young people of Tillydrone the chance to have fun in The Campus and help show them it can be a welcoming space for all. The main result The SCIO would like to see is young people coming and using the building respectively, realising The Campus is a space for them, and they are an important part of the community. They are the future after all! 


